Friday, February 01, 2013

Excursion to the West Coast-Our first inhabitants pt2 - Clanwilliam Living Landscapes Project

After our unexpected but pleasantly surprising stop over at the West Coast Fossil Park, we embarked on a journey to Clanwilliam, a quaint little town steeped in history, bordered by a spectacular dam on the one side and the magnificent Cederberg Mountains on the other. 
Our long drive took us across many different landscapes with beautiful views of ocean, veld for as far as you can see, lush vineyards and rocky mountain passes. Clanwilliam is a busy little town with most of the amenities, all the major banks, an impressive Super Spar that rivals the best here in Cape Town and one of the most most helpful Visitor Information Centres I have been to (do yourself a favour and stop here if visiting the town!).

In this town you will come across the Clanwilliam Living Landscapes Project, the passion of Professor John Parkington of UCT. The aim of he project is to highlight the importance of the ancient San rock art the region is famous for and how it relates to us and "time". At the project facility, Prof has set up a "time machine" that takes one through the many facets of time measurement and relationships.
Our visit to Living Landscapes was highly anticipated, the project is still under development (but what we did see was very interesting), however there was no guide on hand to take us to the rock art sites nearby. There was a cute craft shop with San inspired crafts created by locals and an impressive guesthouse on site.
If you do find yourself in that part of the world, do go to the Living landscapes Project, but call beforehand to make sure a guide will be available and once the "time machine" is fully completed it will provide an interesting insight into the life and times of the San.
A San inspired chandelier made of
ostrich egg shells by the local community
Some of the crafts on offer at the shop
at Living Landscapes

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