Monday, April 29, 2013

Events this week 29 April – 5 May

Song and Dance begins on 1 May at the Kalk Bay Theatre and will run until 9 May.

The annual Cederberg Arts Festival will take place from 1 – 5 May in the West Coast town of Clanwilliam.

In the Garden Route the Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival will be taking place from 1 – 5 May in Knsyna.

Afrikaburn, South Africa’s answer to the Burning Man Festival, is taking place at Tankwa Karoo National Park from 1 – 6 May.

Khwa Ttu, in Yzerfontein, is hosting Encounters with the Foster Brothers on 1 May.

Villiera Wines in Stellenbosch is hosting a fun run/walk in aid of charity on Wednesday, 1 May, the Miles For Smiles Fun Run.

The Safari Half Marathon is taking place in the Winelands town of Wellington on Wednesday, 1 May.

The ballet performance of Camille will be running at the Artscape Opera House from 2 – 12 May.

De Hoop Nature Reserve is hosting a Collection Yoga Retreat with YogaSpirit & Kate Ball over the weekend, from 3-5 May.

Hip Hop Explosion will be bringing the Zula Sound Bar alive on Friday, May 3.

The Woodmill Market in Stellenbosch plays host to the Barista Coffee Festival on Friday, May 3.

Peaches and Herb will be performing at the Grand Arena, Grand West on Saturday, May 4.

Riebeek Valley, in the West Coast, will be hosting its annual Olive Festival this weekend, 4 - 5 May. 

On Saturday, 4 May, the Knysna Motor Show will take place at the Knysna High School Field.

The Klein Karoo town of De Rust will host the De Rust Boeremark on Saturday, 4 May, the same day that the monthly Riebeek West Funky Fresh Market happens.

Also on May 4, in the Overberg, Elgin will play host to the first Elgin Cool Wine & Country Festival.

There are multitudes of mountain biking events this week; on Wednesday, 1 May, the All-Mountain Enduro is taking place at Delvera Farm in Stellenbosch. The Tru Cape MTB event will be taking place at Elgin/Grabouw Country Club on Saturday, 4 May. High School Langenhoven in Riversdale will play host to the Hessequa MTB Challenge on Saturday, 4 May. From 4 – 5 May, the Houw Hoek Tour will take place at Houw Hoek Inn, Elgin.

For more information on any event please visit the link or our calendar.

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