Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Save the Rhino

Last year we lost 668 rhino to poachers, in the last month over 32 rhino have already been killed, something needs to be done or pretty soon they will become extinct! Poachers kill rhino for their horns which they then sell to the black market where uninformed, uneducated people buy it thinking it has medicinal, mystical properties. Rhino horn is made of keratin, the very same thing human hair and nails is made up of and has no special properties, these people may as well be using their own hair and nails!

In a pledge to support the campaign against rhino poaching, Table Mountain National Park projected an image of a rhino and the Hawks anti-poaching number against the face of Table mountain last night.

The Hawks anti-rhino poaching helpline number is 071 348 8630

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